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Maintaining your Well-Being

You may know that SOUND HEALS, but did you know that Sound can be used to MAINTAIN YOUR WELL-BEING AS WELL ?

DSC07576The power of a Sound Therapeutic session is based on RESONANCE. Every cell, bone and organ in your body has it’s own FREQUENCY. When one is ‘out of tune’ it effects all the others. Much like an orchestra with an instrument playing out of sink with the whole, you just know something isn’t right. You can hear it and feel it.

Through the use of Vibro-Acoustics it is not only possible but probable that Harmony will be reestablished. This harmony is not only between the cells and different aspects of your form, but also with the relationship between your Body, Mind, Spirit and Emotions. We call this LAMINAR FLOW, much like plywood, all your ASPECTS start running together, side by side, flowing along in harmony.

The Human is a SELF HEALING mechanism. When we use harmonious resonant sound or MUSIC TO MAINTAIN OUR HEALTH, we can expect to reduce the need for drugs and or surgery. In the correct environment the Body, Mind, Spirit and Emotions not only relax and INTEGRATE but naturally return to OUR ORIGINAL BLUEPRINT that is our perfect health.

At Sound Therapeutics you will be FEELING the Music, not just listening to it. The amazing VIBRO-ACOUSTIC EXPERIENCE is much like returning home. Within the womb of sound  you are held within the Sacred Geometric form known as the DODECAHEDRON, we are opened to a safe frequency that supports us in all possibilities. It has the frequency of the Ethers or the Spiritual realm, unique in that you can access your own INNER GUIDANCE with ease.

So, please don’t wait until you are over-stressed, OUT OF SORTS OR PHYSICALLY SICK to invest your FOCUS ON DEEP INTERNAL HARMONY. We are here to assist you.

Many blessings  deb

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I Can’t Sleep

We have all had the problem of being awake during the night when we think we should be asleep. Remember that we are all different and our sleep needs are different too. Some sleep a good night of 9 hours while others say 5 or 6 hours is good.  

There are a few things you can do to get to sleep. There have been many articles written about turning off your electronics, not eating or eating a certain thing before bedtime, taking time to wind down, opening a window or taking a lavender Epsom salt bath. These are all great for falling asleep but what can you do if you tend to wake up in the middle of the night?  

HeartLoopUPHere’s the scenario:  I’m awake again and it’s 3 am. I have to get up for work in 3 hours, my brain is in overdrive and I am concerned I will be tired in the morning. 

OK, #1. Do you meditate? If you do, you’re in luck. Take the Yoga Corpse pose as you lay on your bed. Just lay flat, face up, legs comfortably apart, arms 8-10″ opened at your sides. If you are a meditator, do your favorite meditation practice. Take the focus off of falling asleep and just BE.

I’m not a meditator so what can I do to help myself. First things first,  you are awake and you believe you should be asleep.  There is a need for a shift in focus, so here is

#2.  Instead of fussing about wanting to go back to sleep, we are going to shift our focus to something pleasurable. It could be a happy moment in your life or a place that you love and imagine you are there. The monkey mind may chatter on but you deliberately keep coming back to your happy place. This takes practice but it’s worth it.

#3.  Take into consideration that you are awake for a reason.  We all have an Inner-Self that loves us unconditionally and supports us in every way. When we find ourselves awake in the wee hours of the morning it is often because something is in us that needs to be addressed, explored, released, allowed or resolved. The middle of the night is not such a great time for logical analysis, it is time more wisely used for intuitive receiving. All this means is that you acknowledge that you have 2 sides of your brain and that the quiet hours of the very early morning are excellent for getting in touch with your Inner-Knower and moving into a receptive state of being. This brings us to: 

#4. Because it is so quiet and still, you can access a very deep piece of yourself if you allow it to arise. Breathe deeply from your belly. Drink some water. Get out your journal and begin writing what you are feeling. Pause and thank yourself for taking the time to listen to your inner voice, for allowing it a place to express itself. Lay back down when you feel complete and tell yourself that you will arise refreshed and ready for the new day because you have taken the time to BE with yourself, to Listen to yourself, to express yourself.

#5.  Now is a great time to go through your Gratitude list. What are you grateful for? List these in your mind. I always begin with being grateful for the bed I lay upon, the pillow I rest my head on and on and on from there. Get absorbed in the richness of your life, focusing on ALL that brings you comfort, pleasure and sustenance. When you’re done, just tell yourself that you will arise refreshed and that you trust yourself.

#6.  Use your imagination.  Think of the rainbow. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and White. Imagine that you are resting in a bubble of light. As you breathe you will begin by filling your bubble with red light, feel it seeping into your skin as your entire being, inside and out absorbs the life giving energies of the red vibration. Breathe it in until you are completely red. Thank the red and move on to orange. Repeat the visualization with each color all the way up the rainbow from the base of your spine to the top of your head, ending as a completely full, White bubble of Light. Say thank you to yourself and your inner guidance and remember you are energizing and feeding yourself while you are resting and will be fine in the morning.

There are many things we can do with this time other that tossing and turning. It is about tuning in to ourselves. When you have completed one of the options above, take a few deep breathes and tell you body that it’s OK not to be sleeping, that you are resting and will have plenty of vitality for tomorrow. Remember, you are in Command of your body. Tell it what you want to feel, begin expecting this to be so. Be a good receiver and don’t give up. Finding a new relationship with yourself in the middle of the night can be a God sent. 

Many blessings   deb 

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Medicinal Mandalas for your Pleasure

Click the LINK below for a GALLERY of Medicinal Mandalas by Deb Barrett
Click the Link below for Gallery of MEDICINAL MANDALAS by Deb Barrett


Look for FREE 30 second meditations in description box for each Mandala

enjoy, deb 

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What is it about Cancer?

Sacred Owl, messanger  between worlds by Jim O'Connell
What has a White Sacred Owl got to do with the energy of cancer?

I heard that cancer research is among the wealthiest money machines these days.

I have a  history of loved ones being overtaken by this scary energy.  For many years I battled it out in my mind.  There is something about fear that really puts us to the task.

My task was to figure out what I could do to shift the face of cancer for myself. There is lots of information on-line pointing towards many non-conventional ways of alleviating cancer.   Most people are too scared to use them because they feel they can not trust what is outside of the realms of conventional medicine and their Dr. would not approve.  Never mind the fact that they can’t trust their own intuition.

I’m not here to say, do one thing or another.  My message is to take back your power.  Fear is a motivator.  Step back , if you can and see your body as a collection of cells all knowing what they are doing.  We don’t direct them or have to think about what they do.

But, what if we took the time to realize that we are only alive because of the Spiritual essence within us.  That bright light, the spark I keep trying to capture in my artwork.

With cancer, our light has dimmed.  There are many reasons for this, they are not right or wrong, just an “IS ” for the moment.  If we get to the stillness within, we can pull in the power of this inner light, we remember our unbreakable bond to our creator.  You are not being punished, you are being motivated to discover your Source Energy.

One more thing, when we remember that we are eternal spirits and that ‘nobody gets out of here alive’, we can release the fear of death.  This was the trigger that helped me the most.  As a self-healer, when I really internalized this fact, I became so much more comfortable and confident in my own ability to restore and maintain my physical well-being.

May your light shine brightly for all to see

deb   Happy May

White Sacred Owl = a messenger of wisdom and peace, bringing a prophecy or a message from another world.

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Balance Activator

Create Balance in your energy field by using this Sacred Field Balance Activator.

We find BALANCE when we SETTLE, as in settle down or settle into a rhythm. We create an environment where the dross and debris settles out of our waters.   Our being becomes clear and still as in a high mountain reservoir. STILL & CLEAR.

Stare at the Balance Activator with this intention in mind.  Only takes a moment to receive the harmonics of this image into your own energy field.  Be deliberate, state your new truth to yourself using a strong, focused tone.

I AM in Balance.  I AM Balanced,  I AM Balance !



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Your Body is Listening

Use Your Power, the Blessing Chair
Use Your Power by Deb Barrett

You may have an ache or a pain, you may have a chronic condition, but who is it that is generating these conditions?  We now know it is the mind, YOUR mind.

So, what can we do to improve our condition, right here, right now?  

Talk to your body directly.  Sounds easy enough but how often do we directly speak to our form?  The answer may surprise you.  We talk to our body every day, every moment with our thoughts and especially with our words.

Have you ever heard someone say, ‘what a pain in the neck’, how about, ‘that makes me sick to my stomach’ or ‘give me a break’ ?  Sounds like just sayings but your body is an exact mirror of your thoughts, words and beliefs so what will your body be mirroring for you if you speak this way?

I can hear some of you refuting what is being said here because you may have a REAL problem with your body.  I’m smiling because I know that even with this mind set we have the power to change and improve our body’s condition.

If I look into the mirror and repeatedly say how fat I am, guess what,…. my body will accommodate me.  If I say, ‘I am slim and trim and healthy, I am wealthy, wealthy, wealthy’, my body will begin to move me in that direction as well.

Self talk and words spoken are our tools.  Remember, first there was the word.  The spoken word of God had the power to create the light, and the Universe.  We are made in the likeness and image of our creator so it follows that we also have the power of the spoken word, the vibration of which sets our world into motion.

Simple request:  Think of one broad positive statement that you can say to yourself daily, hourly, even moment to moment.  Make it a good one, something that really resonates with your desired reality.  Take this statement and make it your inner mantra and each morning before you arise dare to say it out loud to yourself in a strong, deliberate and commanding voice.  Your body, mind and Spirit will take this statement and start to materialize it.  You will notice your choices changing.  Amazing ! and so simple.

Use your power!  Never forget how divinely empowered you really are, you would not be here otherwise.  Feel free to share your powerful, positive statement below, you never know who it may help along the way.

May all your suffering be erased on this Good Friday and may you find your light inside expanding to include your every experience, your every encounter.

love to you


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Love and Commitment

We are ONE, Sacred Art by Deb Barrett

Within the eternal flame of love, We are ONE.

If we ask for patience, we get more opportunities to be patient.  If we ask for love and commitment from another, what will we get?   Will we draw betrayal and abandonment to ourselves as part of an opportunity to become more loving and committed?

By thinking this way, we have forgotten Oneness.  They are you and you are them.  Life is a mirror of every nuance of our beliefs.  When we see ourselves as within the center of the ONE, we realize that only self love, self approval and self honoring are important.

By honoring yourself the only reflection you will see in others is love and commitment because now you have loved and committed to yourself.



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Create your Bubble

Remember your bubble of energy, your aura.  By Deb Barrett
Breathe into your energy field, fortify your bubble of light.

Well, you don’t really need to create your bubble, it’s already there.  What we are really doing is bringing our awareness to our bubble. 

We all identify with our physical beingness.   Some of us identify with our mental beingness and still others identify primarily with their emotional beingness.

On top of and throughout all of these layers of ourselves is our bubble of light. It is in actuality the etheric part of us that is as real as any other part of our being.  Without our Soul Light bubble we cease to exist in form.

Try This:    

Step #1

Sit quietly, eyes closed, feet flat on the floor, spine straight.  (It helps to imagine a strong magnet over your head pulling you up.)  RELAX, take at least 3 deep, long, slow breathes.  Quiet the mind by focusing on your 3rd eye.  Here in the center of your forehead, or more accurately, in the center of your head is the pineal gland.  To connect to this power house try imagining a dot of light in the center of your head.  As if watching the street lights come on at night, imagine the light getting brighter and brighter.

Make note of any colors you may see.  Breathe in and out and with each breath imagine the light getting bigger and bigger, brighter and brighter.  After a while you will find yourself sitting within your light bubble.

This is the light of your own Soul.  Soul light feeds us.  Just like eating your favorite food, your body delights in the glow from within.  Your mind sharpens, your heart opens, your body is rejuvenated.

Step #2

If you want to go deeper, turn on your inner vision.  If you don’t know how, that’s OK.  Just use your imagination again and act as if.

Now take a moment to check your boundaries.   Is your bubble a perfect sphere?  Maybe an oval or a 3 dimensional diamond, the Octahedron? Whatever it is, just be aware of it.  Pay attention.  Continue breathing into your bubble until you feel satisfied with it’s symmetry and fullness.

Relax, you have just identified your energy bubble.  Breathe into it everyday.

Step #3

The next step will take us into the realm of Sacred Geometry and Light Language.  Not as out there as it may sound.  It is a language that we all innately know.

Enjoy your experience

from within my blue bubble

deb     PS.  That’s my aura photo on the right, me meditating in the middle and my Inner Connections logo on the left.

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It’s only a problem…

It's only a problem.... by Deb Barrett
Where you put your attention is where your energy goes. Make the choice to look for solutions and stay focused on what is good in your world.
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I AM Healed from the ‘Deck of I AM’

From the Deck of I AM by Deb Barrett
Say 'I AM HEALED' outloud 3 x's everyday. Your body cannot resist the power of the 'I AM' statement, allowing wholeness and healing to materialize. Try it.

I AM Healed     I AM Healed  

 I AM Healed

 I AM in perfect balance and harmony with my Divine Template.

My highest essence resides in every cell of my form. 

Divine Love and Light shine from within my mind.

I AM bathed in Love. 

I AM Healed and Whole in the Light of the truth of my Being.

I AM Healed on Every level. 

I AM Healed!

This is a very powerful statement.  As you repeat this verse over and over again, you will find that things from your past that are not healed will come to you in the most loving ways.  What we are aware of, we can clear.  

What a gift we can give to ourselves by remembering we are what we CHOOSE to be!

The entire 44 card Deck of I AM is now available:  $29. includes shipping within continuous U.S.  PayPal 

Love to you from within the rose bubble
