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Volatile Times Require Deliberate Intention

The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within.
The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within.

This is a very volatile time for many folks, you may be experiencing a new, fresh start or be revisiting what was happening between 1993 and 1995. Think about it, are you feeling released from the past and free to move forward or are you reliving an old theme? Either way you can jump-start your progress with a couple of hours of aligning with your true intention and decompressing the physical on the blessing chair.

Come home to yourself. The Angels of Light and Guidance and I are ready to help. Surrender to your own inner knowing. You really do have all the answers. Take the time to find them.
The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within. I call it Meditation Sphere.

Blessings and updrafts to sore on


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Sliding Consciousness


I am wondering if anyone else is having this experience.  I have only had it happen 3 times but it is so interesting that I thought I would write about it.

Twice, on different occasions, while doing energy work on a client within the DreamWeaver I have experience a slipping sensation.  As I put my hands on the client I felt as though I was slipping or sliding forward by about 4 inches.

Then yesterday as I was walking it happened again.  As I was about to put my foot on the ground, I experienced my whole body moving, sliding forward.  In the concrete world my foot came down on to the Earth as it should, nothing out of the ordinary, but within my form I felt the slip of consciousness that is quite new to me.

I know there is a lot going on energetically now and I also know that some of us are more aware than others.  So, if you have experienced anything like this, I would love to hear about it.

with love and light from the blessing chair


ps    the image above is called the ‘Antakarana Within’, it works as an activation symbol.

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Angel Encounters

I woke last night at 1:30 am.  Called to create in the middle of the night.

Angel Encounter, Spiritual Art by Deb Barrett
We met on the roof top.

I was wide awake but not thinking.  It was more of a simple awareness.  By 3:30 lights out again and this morning I look back on what was created.  I share this with you as a reminder that we are not alone, never have been.  For all of our fears have only been to motivate us to find our inner magnificence, our unearthly selves.

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Your Body is Listening

Use Your Power, the Blessing Chair
Use Your Power by Deb Barrett

You may have an ache or a pain, you may have a chronic condition, but who is it that is generating these conditions?  We now know it is the mind, YOUR mind.

So, what can we do to improve our condition, right here, right now?  

Talk to your body directly.  Sounds easy enough but how often do we directly speak to our form?  The answer may surprise you.  We talk to our body every day, every moment with our thoughts and especially with our words.

Have you ever heard someone say, ‘what a pain in the neck’, how about, ‘that makes me sick to my stomach’ or ‘give me a break’ ?  Sounds like just sayings but your body is an exact mirror of your thoughts, words and beliefs so what will your body be mirroring for you if you speak this way?

I can hear some of you refuting what is being said here because you may have a REAL problem with your body.  I’m smiling because I know that even with this mind set we have the power to change and improve our body’s condition.

If I look into the mirror and repeatedly say how fat I am, guess what,…. my body will accommodate me.  If I say, ‘I am slim and trim and healthy, I am wealthy, wealthy, wealthy’, my body will begin to move me in that direction as well.

Self talk and words spoken are our tools.  Remember, first there was the word.  The spoken word of God had the power to create the light, and the Universe.  We are made in the likeness and image of our creator so it follows that we also have the power of the spoken word, the vibration of which sets our world into motion.

Simple request:  Think of one broad positive statement that you can say to yourself daily, hourly, even moment to moment.  Make it a good one, something that really resonates with your desired reality.  Take this statement and make it your inner mantra and each morning before you arise dare to say it out loud to yourself in a strong, deliberate and commanding voice.  Your body, mind and Spirit will take this statement and start to materialize it.  You will notice your choices changing.  Amazing ! and so simple.

Use your power!  Never forget how divinely empowered you really are, you would not be here otherwise.  Feel free to share your powerful, positive statement below, you never know who it may help along the way.

May all your suffering be erased on this Good Friday and may you find your light inside expanding to include your every experience, your every encounter.

love to you


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Worry, Pray

Mt. Makana, Kauai, Hi,
Beautiful Mt. Makana, Bali Hai, the GIFT ................. Come to ME !


Worry, worry, worry……………we are all guilty of it at one time or another.  Where does it lead us?  Certainly not to Bali Hai.  So, the next time you are worrying and realize that it is you that is adding to the problem, take a breath and remember who is doing the observing.  Remember, your awareness is all that is required.  Enjoy !

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The Malleable Mind

Light Castle by Deb Barrett

What we think……… we become…

Is that you, levitating above the eternal flame?  Is that you who sits squarely within the light of the creator, accepting the grace that is all around you?

When we open our minds to the mind of the Creator, we are at once pleased and in awe of the bounty that spreads before us. The message is one of simplicity yet when we think of the mind we sense complexity.

How can we be in a position of transmutation and not take an active part in the design?

If I choose to stay fixed in my ideas, sufficiently boxing myself into the limited, I have both confined myself and defined myself.  Is there a difference?  Which would I say was more important?

And on and on we go.

If my mind is indeed pliable, flexible and ever present then I have the ability to experience whatever my heart desires.  My mind becomes a valuable tool in creating from the CENTER of my being, by sending energy out into my physical reality via my thoughts.

I have found that I cannot see around corners but I can indeed feel around them.

To limit my sense of reality to only one of my 5 senses would be absurd, yet we do it all the time in our ‘looking for what’s wrong’ mentality.  You may argue that this type of thinking gives opportunity to fix what it is that we see that we do not like.  It has been my experience that what we want to fix is what we have not accepted as part of ourselves.

We do know that to bend and stretch is a great thing to do for the body. It would follow that when our mind bends and flexes it too becomes more healthful, more vibrant.  Remember all the possibilities that are present within you.  Remember to use your thoughts only for the good.  Let go of all thoughts of anger, disappointment and grief.  Become the master of your world.  Feel the lightness of your being as you meditate, surprise yourself with your own power to embrace all of who you really are.

Love and light to you always



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I Am Restored

I Am Restored from the Deck of I AM by Deb Barrett
Inspirational images and I Am statements to inspire you every day. Deb Barrett's artwork on 44 "I Am " cards.

I Am Restored   I AM Restored   I AM Restored

I AM perpetually restored.

I AM rejuvenated and in harmonious alignment with my Divine Source.

In this moment I AM replenished and made whole.

I effortlessly embody health and wholeness of my body, mind and spirit.

I AM grateful for the instant restoration of all key elements in my life.

I accept complete recovery and total wellness.

By the grace of God go I.  I AM Restored!

As we move through the ‘Great letting GO’ we become more simplified, more present, more ourselves.  Remember to repeat your I AM statement 3 times out loud, everyday for full embodiment and best results.

May Grace go with you


Inspirational images and I Am statements to inspire you every day. Deb Barrett’s artwork on 44 “I Am ” cards.  The Deck of I AM can be found here

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It’s only a problem…

It's only a problem.... by Deb Barrett
Where you put your attention is where your energy goes. Make the choice to look for solutions and stay focused on what is good in your world.
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Light Language

Welcome to the World of Light Language and the Art of Focus by Deb Barrett.

Sacred Geometry and Color, symbolic artwork by Deb Barrett
Light Language Images created by Deb Barrett (C) 1998-present

Light Language is a simple tool that can be used to create vibrant well-being.

Light language uses Colored Light and Sacred Geometry allowing us to align with the harmonious patterns of the Universe.  Simple to learn and somehow very familiar.  This inner symbolic language is innate to us all.  Have some fun and sense your energetic volume, how you impact the world and how the world impacts you.


Color is light at varying rates of vibration. Within the infinite number of colors we can find colors to relax us or stimulate and invigorate us. Still other colors infuse us with cheerfulness and joy.  The energy in color affects our muscles, our mental functions and our nervous systems.

The most important point here is that Color Evokes Our EMOTIONS!  Asking us, How do we FEEL?

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry is based on Unity.  It is a way to visually symbolize formal order.  It comes from the idea that the Universe is all ONE.  One heart beat, one pulse, one living breathing consciousness.  Hard to imagine, yes but somehow true.  In alignment with this premise, ancient Sacred Geometry begins with ONE. Our modern day geometry is very different, it begins with ZERO.

Sacred Geometry starts with a single point.  Modern geometry starts with a blank page.  The Universe is within the point.  The order and alignments, the progression and proportion of the material world is the reflection of the ordered thoughts of the creator.  A Divine system that we are all ONE with.  We are all cells in this amazing body of God.

The primary geometric forms that are found in Sacred Geometry are considered to be these crystallized thought of God or Chrystallized GOD Consciousness.

God is Light


Sacred Geometry



In using Basic Light Language you will discover many new things about yourself and how you create your reality.  So, have some fun with it.  Walk around in the blue diamond one day or internalize a gold sphere the next, how does it feel? How does it support your living as your Higher Self, Here and Now !


Enter your Personal Sanctuary © Deb Barrett 2005

Light Language is a combination of Colored Light and Sacred Geometry.