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Umbrella Mentality

Today let’s talk about an new concept, Umbrella Mentality.  It’s a phrase I coined to represent the idea of rising up into your Higher-Self, at will, and observing and supporting your ego-self with love, acceptance, health and abundance.

The first step is to imagine that you are in a bubble of light. This gives you a mental image of your energy field. You can fill your bubble with whatever color you are drawn to in the moment. Now imagine that there is a tube running through your bubble, top to bottom. This tube connects your higher, Divine self with your Earthly self, your ego. 


We all have an ego but the ego is only a small part of who we really are. You may say no, I am me and that is that. As we broaden our perspectives we find that indeed we have an intuitive sense. Whether we choose to follow this ‘little voice’ inside or not, we are all aware that there is something there. 

Our task is not only to invite in this higher aspect, but to begin identifying ourselves with our Divine nature as a way to support our ego self on the earth plane.  After all, it is the ego that preforms the physical actions in time and space.

What does an umbrella do? It protects us from the rain. In your mind’s eye, imagine an umbrella going up over your bubble. Now imagine a most magnificent being of light hanging out just above your umbrella. Let’s call this being MBL for Magnificent Being of Light.  MBL would like to support you, would like to help you feel loved when you feel alone, feel strong when you face challenges and heal you in every way, including physically. MBL has the ability to step down it’s frequency to meet you where you are.

Living life AS your Higher Self

In order for this to happen you need to do 2 things. The first is to ASK for help. Without asking, your MBL can not help you because you have free will. Step 2 is to imagine that the handle of the umbrella comes straight down the tube in the center of your bubble. You can imagine that the umbrella handle acts as an elevator lifting you up whenever you are ready.  

The next time you feel challenged try putting on your bubble and installing your umbrella. Feel free to name your personal MBL anything that suits you or ask for it’s name. If you are very brave and daring, imagine that you travel up that tube and find yourself sitting over your ego/personality self. What a completely new perspective you will have of not only yourself but of your entire world.

The biggest trick in using this technique is to believe that you are worthy and deserving enough to travel up the tube and meet your Higher-Self.  As your relationship develops over time you will realize that it is indeed you that is the Higher-Self. Very soon you will find that you begin thinking and acting as your Higher-Self but through your ego. This gives you the ability to not only HEAL YOURSELF but also to shine abundant light and healing on all those you touch.


Many blessings for a successful transition as you remember yourself as a Magnificent Being of Light.  deb

I would love to hear your feedback.  Thanks.   Power up people, its time !

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Ahh, the River of Grief

I have found myself navigating the River of Grief.  Again.
Just FEEL it, I hear. Just let it rip through you and take you apart. My blank stare says it all.
Begin with allowing.  Allowing yourself to come into contact with the most painful of emotions, the emotion of loss.
How do we undo this sorrow without loosing ourselves, without drowning in our own pain?
I know I have been here before. Too many times and thus my resistance. However, the image that comes to mind is myself being washed away in the flood of dirty water.  I see her floating away, waving her arm as she recedes from my sight. But is it really me?  anymore?  I am no longer the young girl who was torn in half by grief so long ago.  I am, however, still in this body that, on a cellular level re-experiences this tearing through each subsequent loss. 
When I visualized the energy of grief, it appeared as a cord that had been pushed down on itself leaving gaps between the strands and creating an almond shape, a bulge in the natural flow of energy. Each strand is wiry and out of sorts, tangled but only within itself. Each strand is still a separate cord, a specific tone in my heart.
Time to imagine that I can run my fingers over each strand, smoothing and soothing the energy, straightening it out so that each strand lays cleanly against the other.  This is my image.  Reminds me of using a de-tangler or conditioner on my hair.
On the left is the budge of grief energy trapped in the cords of the heart. As we move across the image to the right, each strand is smoothed, calmed and realigned.  By the time we are to the right margin, the energy is cool and smooth with plenty of space around each strand allowing each cord to sound a clear tone when struck. These cords are in all of us. It is when we have them plucked by recurring life experiences that we realize pain and suffering have changed the literal tone of our heart.
Everything is a frequency.  By doing this little mental healing, I am able to sooth my response to grief, and although it is long standing and reignited of late, I am able to bring myself back into harmony with myself by allowing all that is over the dam to stay there and by giving myself permission to be a self healer, a transmuter of grief. 
I hope this idea and image are of help to you.  Grief is a universal emotion and one that can be tamed through self love and acceptance of what is.
In my moment of feeling so very human, I find myself smiling at my personal power and ability to restring my heart, re-tuning it to the frequency of love in-spite of all that has been released, all that is out of my control.
many blessings
Today is September 30, 2016. The Black New Moon in all it’s glory.
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Remember, YOU are the only one in Here

Recently, I had a bit of a shock and then another. I thought I was doing fine as I’m the type who walks through adversity and just keeps on walking. SOMETIMES I GET CAUGHT, caught in the lesson that is yet to be realized. Today, was one of those moments. In my meditation, I stated that I was DONE with this issue and that shock or not I was ready to move on. My most gracious Inner Self sent me a warm glow and proceeded to say, ‘ REMEMBER, it’s just a STORY. Remember, it’s just a Story, remember it’s just a story.’ Breathe………..‘Granted, it is YOUR Story……………but a STORY none the less ! ‘

So I sit with this message that made me smile. It is not as if I don’t know this but my personality obviously had some deep connection to the events and was HOLDING On to and reeling in the PERCEIVED unwanted outcome. Stop. Perceived is the key word here.

As we take in this concept of our PERSONAL STORY LINE, we realize that in reality WE are NOT the Story. We are the AUTHORS of the Story. And, as with anything that we personally have a hand in creating, we are ATTACHED to it. I think of my children or my ART work, I still cannot sell my original work, as if they are too close to let go.

Are you BRAVE enough to view your life as a STORY? How would you feel differently about your circumstances knowing that YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE IN HERE, the only one who is writing the script? Would you be able to truly LOVE ALL OF YOURSELF? Even the pieces that have made mistakes or took the role of victim?

Living life AS your Higher Self
Living life AS your Higher Self

THIS IS VERY DEEP work and I know that if you are still reading, you are game for the change in PERSPECTIVE. Take a moment to look closely at yourself as if you were the PUPPETEER! and remember that you have created your personality/ego self and that it is YOU as the Commander in Chief of your LIFE, as the Higher Self, as that one you go to for insight that is ACTUALLY YOU ! Take it in. YOU ARE YOUR HIGHER SELF ! How could it be any other way?

NOW is your moment to ACKNOWLEDGE that it is your Divine Birth Right to step into your Higher PERSPECTIVE and Proceed from here. This is quite a gift of SELF LOVE, SELF APPROVAL and SELF WORTH that brings forward the very best of YOU.

PERMISSION GRANTED!!! Proceed to the Highest Octave that you can conceive of and operate from there because YOU are the ONLY ONE in HERE!

If you are interested in working this concept in your everyday life please feel free to contact me below. The sky is the limit when you LOVE YOURSELF and operate from your HIGHEST ASPECTS.  Many blessings  deb

We would love to hear from you, thanks for checking out my work. Deb Barrett


Continue reading Remember, YOU are the only one in Here

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Make the Time to Make it Happen


Did you know that your BODY is a mirror of your SUBCONSCIOUS Mind ?
Here are a few examples you are probably familiar with.
ANGER is expressed through the body as an INFECTION.
FEAR is experienced in the body in many forms, one familiar one is CONSTIPATION but also includes ANXIETY, Depression, etc.
GRIEF is expressed as literal HEART ACHE, Arrhythmia and Loss of Appetite.
FEELINGS of not being enough and/or long standing RESENTMENTS are experiences as CANCER.
NOT being able to SPEAK YOUR TRUTH is experienced as a SORE THROAT or swallowing issues.
ANGRY WORDS withheld create COLD SORES.
Need I go on?
( I am not excluding physical REASONS for these issues. I AM getting you to GO DEEPER into your own knowing.)

Please remember that when we UNDERSTAND ourselves more deeply we put ourselves into our POSITION OF POWER.

When you are ready for that NEXT STEP. Let me be a guide.
The Sound, the Sacred Alignments within the Dodecahedron are all a perpetual DOORWAY to your INNER workings.

We are still within the first 3 months of the new year, 2016. Take the time to DISCOVER your innate gifts and talents. Let your WISDOM RISE.
NOTES from deb
Healing with Sound, Sacred Geometry, Reiki, Color and Intention.

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ART by Visionary Artist Deb Barrett

I have been creating Spirit Inspired Artwork for a very long time.  When I meditate, do Reiki or just BE, I see energetic impressions. I started drawing these impressions in 1989, first as individual Energy Portraits and then as Mandalas and Healing Images. Please enjoy the images below.  If you would like to share these images please do so with complete copyright information in tack. Thank you for stopping by.  blessings   deb

LIKE our FaceBook Page and check out our products at  thanks

Original ARTWORK, all images copyright Deb Barrett
Original ARTWORK, all images copyright Deb Barrett
Breathe into this image, enter and wear it as a garment of light.
Breathe into this image, enter and wear it as a garment of light.
The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within.
The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within.
Stand within this Sacred Geometric shape and see how you feel.
Stand within this Sacred Geometric shape and see how you feel.
Merry Chirstmas from Sound Therapeutics /
Merry Chirstmas from Sound Therapeutics /
Symbolic image of group energy transfer at Sound Therapeutics, Deb Barrett's Sound Studio, Duxbury, Ma.
Symbolic image of group energy transfer at Sound Therapeutics, Deb Barrett’s Private Healing Sanctuary, Marshfield, Ma.


I remember I Am One With the Divine Source that Created Me.
I remember I Am One With the Divine Source that Created Me.
When we are plugged in to our higher selves we are able to use all of our power.
When we are plugged in to our higher selves we are able to use all of our power.
This is your Merkaba Light Body
Dodeca Healing
Repeat each of these affirmations, out loud, 3 times. Enjoy.
Sit within the Pyramid. How do you FEEL ?
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine’s Day
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Volatile Times Require Deliberate Intention

The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within.
The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within.

This is a very volatile time for many folks, you may be experiencing a new, fresh start or be revisiting what was happening between 1993 and 1995. Think about it, are you feeling released from the past and free to move forward or are you reliving an old theme? Either way you can jump-start your progress with a couple of hours of aligning with your true intention and decompressing the physical on the blessing chair.

Come home to yourself. The Angels of Light and Guidance and I are ready to help. Surrender to your own inner knowing. You really do have all the answers. Take the time to find them.
The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within. I call it Meditation Sphere.

Blessings and updrafts to sore on


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It is truly amazing what a new perspective can do.

Are you available Saturday morning at 10 am?

Whenever you’re ready, the sound table is fired up and ready to transport you into your new NOW.   The time has come to turn on all the lights.

Love you.
It is truly amazing what a new perspective can do.   Try yours on at Sound Therapeutics.  
Open you mind at Sound Therapeutics in Duxbury, Ma.
Open your mind at Sound Therapeutics in Duxbury, Ma.
What will my session be like?   Awesome !
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Vitality Activator: I AM filled with VITALITY

Seed of Life Flower a life affirming symbol.
Vitality Activator: I AM filled with VITALITY

I have been playing with the idea of a Sphere representing the Creator.  As the Spheres multiply the beautiful Seed of Life is created.  Within every sphere of reality, there exists the opportunity for all of the spheres to align in harmony.

The Vitality Activator is an orange sphere with a rose glow.  Orange as in prana or life force, rose as in love and kindness.  Within this bubble of life a violet purifying sphere holds within it the Seed of Life, a series of spheres overlapping to create the flower.  This is you, the unique flower, with all of your varying petals.

This natural, sacred alignment holds the harmonic tension of the colors by pairing the purifying violet with the vital life force of the orange and red.  Feel the activity that these colors stimulate in you.  Opposite ends of our chakra antenna activated simultaneously.

If you would like to use this image an open eye meditation simply say:   I AM filled with Vitality !

I’d like this one on a black T-shirt for Mother’s Day.  :-)

Vitality Activator T-shirt by Deb Barrett and The Blessing Chair
Vitality Activator T - Rev up your wardrobe with this powerful symbol of Vitality.