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I Can’t Sleep

We have all had the problem of being awake during the night when we think we should be asleep. Remember that we are all different and our sleep needs are different too. Some sleep a good night of 9 hours while others say 5 or 6 hours is good.  

There are a few things you can do to get to sleep. There have been many articles written about turning off your electronics, not eating or eating a certain thing before bedtime, taking time to wind down, opening a window or taking a lavender Epsom salt bath. These are all great for falling asleep but what can you do if you tend to wake up in the middle of the night?  

HeartLoopUPHere’s the scenario:  I’m awake again and it’s 3 am. I have to get up for work in 3 hours, my brain is in overdrive and I am concerned I will be tired in the morning. 

OK, #1. Do you meditate? If you do, you’re in luck. Take the Yoga Corpse pose as you lay on your bed. Just lay flat, face up, legs comfortably apart, arms 8-10″ opened at your sides. If you are a meditator, do your favorite meditation practice. Take the focus off of falling asleep and just BE.

I’m not a meditator so what can I do to help myself. First things first,  you are awake and you believe you should be asleep.  There is a need for a shift in focus, so here is

#2.  Instead of fussing about wanting to go back to sleep, we are going to shift our focus to something pleasurable. It could be a happy moment in your life or a place that you love and imagine you are there. The monkey mind may chatter on but you deliberately keep coming back to your happy place. This takes practice but it’s worth it.

#3.  Take into consideration that you are awake for a reason.  We all have an Inner-Self that loves us unconditionally and supports us in every way. When we find ourselves awake in the wee hours of the morning it is often because something is in us that needs to be addressed, explored, released, allowed or resolved. The middle of the night is not such a great time for logical analysis, it is time more wisely used for intuitive receiving. All this means is that you acknowledge that you have 2 sides of your brain and that the quiet hours of the very early morning are excellent for getting in touch with your Inner-Knower and moving into a receptive state of being. This brings us to: 

#4. Because it is so quiet and still, you can access a very deep piece of yourself if you allow it to arise. Breathe deeply from your belly. Drink some water. Get out your journal and begin writing what you are feeling. Pause and thank yourself for taking the time to listen to your inner voice, for allowing it a place to express itself. Lay back down when you feel complete and tell yourself that you will arise refreshed and ready for the new day because you have taken the time to BE with yourself, to Listen to yourself, to express yourself.

#5.  Now is a great time to go through your Gratitude list. What are you grateful for? List these in your mind. I always begin with being grateful for the bed I lay upon, the pillow I rest my head on and on and on from there. Get absorbed in the richness of your life, focusing on ALL that brings you comfort, pleasure and sustenance. When you’re done, just tell yourself that you will arise refreshed and that you trust yourself.

#6.  Use your imagination.  Think of the rainbow. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and White. Imagine that you are resting in a bubble of light. As you breathe you will begin by filling your bubble with red light, feel it seeping into your skin as your entire being, inside and out absorbs the life giving energies of the red vibration. Breathe it in until you are completely red. Thank the red and move on to orange. Repeat the visualization with each color all the way up the rainbow from the base of your spine to the top of your head, ending as a completely full, White bubble of Light. Say thank you to yourself and your inner guidance and remember you are energizing and feeding yourself while you are resting and will be fine in the morning.

There are many things we can do with this time other that tossing and turning. It is about tuning in to ourselves. When you have completed one of the options above, take a few deep breathes and tell you body that it’s OK not to be sleeping, that you are resting and will have plenty of vitality for tomorrow. Remember, you are in Command of your body. Tell it what you want to feel, begin expecting this to be so. Be a good receiver and don’t give up. Finding a new relationship with yourself in the middle of the night can be a God sent. 

Many blessings   deb 

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Vesica Pisces

Sacred Geometry art
Vesica Pisces - Welcome to your Inner Temple

Vesica Pisces:  Symbol and Color interpretation.

The two equally overlapping spheres represent our masculine and feminine natures and duality.   When we choose to stand in the center we find inner balance and a neutral, unified perspective often referred to as Christ consciousness.

The Gold sphere is the fullness of our personal power, the power of the Sun and our masculine perspective.

The Violet sphere brings the fullness of our intuition, higher choices and our more feminine perspective.

In the center we are surrounded by the flow of Blue light which speaks of the truth and peace that come with being balanced.

The overlapping area is surrounded by an Orange outline showing us the vitality and creative energies that come with our Inner Temple experience.

The Green diamond, above, represents harmony while the Red diamond below symbolizes strength and our capacity for human love.

Finally we find the Green heart in the very center.  The heart itself is a symbol of human love, while it’s green color reinforces the balanced perspective of the Vesica Pisces itself.

When you want to embody the true frequency of acceptance, love and harmony, step inside this beautiful inner temple and experience UNITY for yourself, within yourself.  Now, doesn’t the world look better from here?

More color information is available here: