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Have you noticed that THE ENERGY HAS FINALLY CLEARED? Here we are coming off of the Holidays with a big ending and an opportunity for a great new beginning. The DOORS, ALL of them, are currently OPEN !
OPPORTUNITY is knocking! BE PRESENT for yourself.
If you have been doing your work ‘ENERGETICALLY’, you may be noticing that you are operating from a HIGHER PERSPECTIVE. This is your 5th DIMENSIONAL ASPECT. We are moving into a Crystalline form as opposed to a Carbon Based form. Meaning that more and more of the are operating from your innate nature of INTEGRITY, TRUTH, HARMONY and LOVE.
YOU USE YOUR WORDS WISELY, knowing that what you speak has Power.
YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND, practicing self care and personal HONORING AND SELF-RESPECT.
You travel with LIKE MINDED BEINGS on the outer and inner realities.
YOU SHINE YOUR WISDOM as a subtle FLAME, yet a flame that can not be extinguished.
YOU NOTICE HOW DIFFERENT YOU ARE when you are in STRESSFUL SITUATIONS. You are not so agitated, ready to speak or troubled by the PERCEIVED OUTCOME.
This SHIFT is the bringing into balance of our masculine and feminine aspects.
Have you noticed that things are SHOWING UP ? This is because OUR FEMININE NATURE IS SURFACING and with it comes the ABILITY TO RECEIVE !
If you are somewhere in all of this and know that there is more, I encourage you to DO YOUR EMOTIONAL WORK. Just get down to it and FEEL IT so that you can move into THE ALTERNATE REALITY of Peace and Abundance. It is only a Dimensional Shift away. If you need or would like my assistance Sound Therapeutics / is always available to take you into your TRUE NATURE Healing with Sound, Sacred Geometry, Reiki and Intention. Many blessings for your FULL REVEAL, deb
The image I’ve included is of Mother God. She is the Holy Spirit, Fire and Water, Light and Sound, Spirit and Flesh. OPEN TO RECEIVE HER GIFTS as you FALL INTO the image to FULLY ACTIVATE your ABILITY TO RECEIVE!
Many blessings deb
Sound Therapeutics
 We’d love to hear from you. Feel free to comment below. 

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Ahh, the River of Grief

I have found myself navigating the River of Grief.  Again.
Just FEEL it, I hear. Just let it rip through you and take you apart. My blank stare says it all.
Begin with allowing.  Allowing yourself to come into contact with the most painful of emotions, the emotion of loss.
How do we undo this sorrow without loosing ourselves, without drowning in our own pain?
I know I have been here before. Too many times and thus my resistance. However, the image that comes to mind is myself being washed away in the flood of dirty water.  I see her floating away, waving her arm as she recedes from my sight. But is it really me?  anymore?  I am no longer the young girl who was torn in half by grief so long ago.  I am, however, still in this body that, on a cellular level re-experiences this tearing through each subsequent loss. 
When I visualized the energy of grief, it appeared as a cord that had been pushed down on itself leaving gaps between the strands and creating an almond shape, a bulge in the natural flow of energy. Each strand is wiry and out of sorts, tangled but only within itself. Each strand is still a separate cord, a specific tone in my heart.
Time to imagine that I can run my fingers over each strand, smoothing and soothing the energy, straightening it out so that each strand lays cleanly against the other.  This is my image.  Reminds me of using a de-tangler or conditioner on my hair.
On the left is the budge of grief energy trapped in the cords of the heart. As we move across the image to the right, each strand is smoothed, calmed and realigned.  By the time we are to the right margin, the energy is cool and smooth with plenty of space around each strand allowing each cord to sound a clear tone when struck. These cords are in all of us. It is when we have them plucked by recurring life experiences that we realize pain and suffering have changed the literal tone of our heart.
Everything is a frequency.  By doing this little mental healing, I am able to sooth my response to grief, and although it is long standing and reignited of late, I am able to bring myself back into harmony with myself by allowing all that is over the dam to stay there and by giving myself permission to be a self healer, a transmuter of grief. 
I hope this idea and image are of help to you.  Grief is a universal emotion and one that can be tamed through self love and acceptance of what is.
In my moment of feeling so very human, I find myself smiling at my personal power and ability to restring my heart, re-tuning it to the frequency of love in-spite of all that has been released, all that is out of my control.
many blessings
Today is September 30, 2016. The Black New Moon in all it’s glory.
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I Don’t Have TIME For This !


LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO TIME. It has a lot to do with your relationship with yourself. Are you someone who is run by the clock, never having time for your needs? Do you know how to turn off your inner ‘TICK TICKING’ and JUST BE? Did you know that when you do this,YOUR ENTIRE BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT COME BACK INTO ALIGNMENT?
Can you hear yourself saying ‘I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS’ ?
Please remember YOURSELF in this mad dash called LIFE. Now that it is September things may be ramping up. Off to school, or new job, or just plain change and the prospect of something new can be challenging. This makes it the best TIME TO TRULY COME HOME TO YOURSELF. Don’t wait until you are DRAGGING, COMPLAINING AND IN PAIN to do something monumental for yourself.
I look forward to hearing from you BEFORE you get in a snarl. My specialty is CALMING YOU DOWN, GETTING YOU UNSTUCK AND CONNECTED TO YOUR OWN INNER WISDOM so that you can GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY and live the life you truly desire.
I have been honing my craft for over 20 years and I will offer you my expertise and accumulated knowledge of THE AMAZING LIGHT BEING THAT YOU ARE, but do know that it is YOU and always will be YOU, that walks through that door of PERSONAL POWER AND ENLIGHTENMENT.
Many blessings, deb Sound Therapeutics Now in our beautiful new office in Marshfield, MA overlooking the South River.



Continue reading I Don’t Have TIME For This !

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I Can’t Sleep

We have all had the problem of being awake during the night when we think we should be asleep. Remember that we are all different and our sleep needs are different too. Some sleep a good night of 9 hours while others say 5 or 6 hours is good.  

There are a few things you can do to get to sleep. There have been many articles written about turning off your electronics, not eating or eating a certain thing before bedtime, taking time to wind down, opening a window or taking a lavender Epsom salt bath. These are all great for falling asleep but what can you do if you tend to wake up in the middle of the night?  

HeartLoopUPHere’s the scenario:  I’m awake again and it’s 3 am. I have to get up for work in 3 hours, my brain is in overdrive and I am concerned I will be tired in the morning. 

OK, #1. Do you meditate? If you do, you’re in luck. Take the Yoga Corpse pose as you lay on your bed. Just lay flat, face up, legs comfortably apart, arms 8-10″ opened at your sides. If you are a meditator, do your favorite meditation practice. Take the focus off of falling asleep and just BE.

I’m not a meditator so what can I do to help myself. First things first,  you are awake and you believe you should be asleep.  There is a need for a shift in focus, so here is

#2.  Instead of fussing about wanting to go back to sleep, we are going to shift our focus to something pleasurable. It could be a happy moment in your life or a place that you love and imagine you are there. The monkey mind may chatter on but you deliberately keep coming back to your happy place. This takes practice but it’s worth it.

#3.  Take into consideration that you are awake for a reason.  We all have an Inner-Self that loves us unconditionally and supports us in every way. When we find ourselves awake in the wee hours of the morning it is often because something is in us that needs to be addressed, explored, released, allowed or resolved. The middle of the night is not such a great time for logical analysis, it is time more wisely used for intuitive receiving. All this means is that you acknowledge that you have 2 sides of your brain and that the quiet hours of the very early morning are excellent for getting in touch with your Inner-Knower and moving into a receptive state of being. This brings us to: 

#4. Because it is so quiet and still, you can access a very deep piece of yourself if you allow it to arise. Breathe deeply from your belly. Drink some water. Get out your journal and begin writing what you are feeling. Pause and thank yourself for taking the time to listen to your inner voice, for allowing it a place to express itself. Lay back down when you feel complete and tell yourself that you will arise refreshed and ready for the new day because you have taken the time to BE with yourself, to Listen to yourself, to express yourself.

#5.  Now is a great time to go through your Gratitude list. What are you grateful for? List these in your mind. I always begin with being grateful for the bed I lay upon, the pillow I rest my head on and on and on from there. Get absorbed in the richness of your life, focusing on ALL that brings you comfort, pleasure and sustenance. When you’re done, just tell yourself that you will arise refreshed and that you trust yourself.

#6.  Use your imagination.  Think of the rainbow. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and White. Imagine that you are resting in a bubble of light. As you breathe you will begin by filling your bubble with red light, feel it seeping into your skin as your entire being, inside and out absorbs the life giving energies of the red vibration. Breathe it in until you are completely red. Thank the red and move on to orange. Repeat the visualization with each color all the way up the rainbow from the base of your spine to the top of your head, ending as a completely full, White bubble of Light. Say thank you to yourself and your inner guidance and remember you are energizing and feeding yourself while you are resting and will be fine in the morning.

There are many things we can do with this time other that tossing and turning. It is about tuning in to ourselves. When you have completed one of the options above, take a few deep breathes and tell you body that it’s OK not to be sleeping, that you are resting and will have plenty of vitality for tomorrow. Remember, you are in Command of your body. Tell it what you want to feel, begin expecting this to be so. Be a good receiver and don’t give up. Finding a new relationship with yourself in the middle of the night can be a God sent. 

Many blessings   deb 

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feelingsUPFeelings, we all have them.  

It’s not that you have feelings, it’s what you do with them that counts.  We all know that ‘good’ feelings are desirable.  Who doesn’t want to feel joy, love, appreciation to name a few?  It’s those ‘bad’ feelings that we tend to want to avoid.  Self-doubt, anger, hatred, frustration are not usually our favored states.

Here’s what happens when we don’t FEEL our emotions.  The mind goes into overdrive, either looking for a solution or a way out.  The body goes into a state of unrelenting stress and tension. The Spirit steps back, retracts from the form, as the confusion makes the inner voice less likely to be felt and heard. Have you ever heard the phrase,’ I was beside myself ‘?  Exactly !, your essence is out of sync and off center from your form. But most importantly the emotional body goes into a state of over-expression or constipation.

Let’s explore these states.  Over-expression can be observed as acting out, yelling, passive aggressive or depressive episodes. All kinds of wild, over active responses can include over eating, over spending, over working, over sleeping and many addictive behaviors.  Yes, we need to express our emotions and the challenge is to express them in healthy ways and not to point them at anyone.

Let’s talk about emotional constipation.  This can be experienced as actual constipation, as in not wanting to ‘let go’ or it can be expressed as compartmentalization of the energy.  When we compartmentalize our feelings we are really stuffing them.  But where do they go?  Emotions that are unexpressed and consistently suppressed go deep, deep within our subconscious and also deep within our bodies.  Who has not had aches and pains?  These are your trapped, unexpressed feelings.  Yes, still there waiting to be acknowledged and released. With no other way to get our attention, the body begins to hurt. Sometimes the unexpressed and unacknowledged feelings will attract accidents and unpleasant experiences into our lives.

What is the solution?  One very easy way to rearrange this pattern is to begin allowing ourselves to feel. Here we go, something happens that hurts you, upsets you.  We do not live in a culture that encourages us to express emotions so we must create an accepting environment to allow feelings to emerge and be felt. I find the bathroom a good place for this but it could be sitting on the edge of your bed, first thing or last thing of the day.

Exercise:  Bring your attention to your heart, say a silent thank you to yourself for doing the best that you can. ALLOW a tiny spark of self acceptance to ignite within you.  It doesn’t matter how good or bad you think you are, nothing matters at this moment other than to foster self-compassion.  Up from somewhere deep within will come that feeling, the one you never wanted to feel again.  As it appears, think of yourself as a vessel, the feeling rises up and out of  you. UP and OUT. It is painful, in every way, you want to suppress it and NOT go there.  FEEL for 30 seconds beyond this point……………….  There ! You are done for today.  Not so horrible as you thought.  You are still here, still breathing, nothing has changed ………………..only now you are one ounce lighter, maybe two.

YOU ARE A SUCCESS ! With each repetition of this exercise you will find that THIS moment CAN be unburdened.  We, each as individuals, are the only one who can unload the wagon.  Bit by bit, releasing the pressure and returning to the natural state of dynamic equilibrium that we are intended to be.

If you believe you are ready to drop a few pounds of emotional weight and would like some assistance please let me know. Don’t be afraid, between the Music, the Dodecahedron, the Reiki and the support of ALL of the Beings of LIGHT on the Inner-Planes that love and support you, you will be released from your suffering. Sound Therapeutics  Healing with Sound, Sacred Geometry, Reiki and Intention.

TAKE NOTE:  Sound Therapeutics is moving, We will be accepting new clients at our new location, The Cranberry Building,  2016 Ocean St., Marshfield, MA on June 1, 2016.  I am very excited to add this most beautiful setting by the river to your experience of personal growth and development.

Thank you so much for reading.  Many blessings  deb


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How do YOU dialogue with your Inner-Self ?

How do YOU dialogue with your Inner-Self?

Thank you for meeting me here, over looking the sea.
Thank you for meeting me here,                          over looking the sea.

I sit and look out at the ocean, in my mind. Then I imagine that my highest aspect, “MY God-Self “ is sitting next to me. It is a simple tool that allows me to KNOW my own inner Strengths without trying too hard or having fear of failure. 

YOU know….. if you are ready TO EMBRACE YOUR INNER STRENGTHS.
Join me within the Dodecahedron for an immersion into the Womb of Sound. The healing sanctuary known as the DreamWeaver.

The DODECA allows for ALL Possibilities !!!
The DODECA allows for ALL Possibilities !!!


Healing with Sound, Sacred Geometry, Reiki and Intention at Sound Therapeutics, Duxbury, Ma.    IT’S TIME  

Please reach out and be in Touch…..I always say…..”95% of your process/progress is just walking through the door”.  blessings be, deb

Commit to your own well-being, no one else can do it for you.

CLICK Here  


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Why Sound Heals

Thank you for this amazing article.

What Produces the Healing Power of Sound?

We can feel it when we turn on the radio and our favorite song happens to be playing, or when we sit quietly and listen to the rain. There is a palpable peace when we are absorbed in quiet and a different kind of rejuvenation when we hear the wind in the trees. There is no doubt that sound has subtle, but profound effects on our body, minds and spirits. How exactly does sound work, though, to heal us?

Just Like an Orchestra, You Can Tune Your Body

Have you ever listened to an orchestra prepare to play an invigorating symphony? There is a cacophony first with the woodwinds and strings, horns, and timpani making quite a ruckus, but when they tune their instruments precisely, the sound that washes over you like a wave, can bring peace and excitement that surpasses some of the most invigorating practices on earth – like sky diving, or dropping 45 feet into a hidden cave.

Sound healing session
Sound is not unorganized chaos. It is a dynamic but ordered pattern. – Dr. Hans Jenny

The body works in much the same way. If a single instrument (organ, or organ system) is playing its own tune, and not in harmony with the rest of the body, disease is more likely to happen. As sound therapist, Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD explains:

The fundamental principle of Energy Medicine is that an underlying energy field generates physical, emotional, and mental behaviors or symptoms. If we change the energy field, the physical, emotional, and mental behaviors will also change.


One of the most effective ways to change the energy field is through a science named cymatics. Though he was not the first to discover that sound could heal, Dr. Hans Jenny, M.D. of Basel Switzerland put together some fascinating experiments where we could literally ‘see’ how sound works.
Jenny created ‘cymatics’ when he put sand, fluid or some other powder on a metal plate that was attached to an oscillator. An oscillator is essentially a vibrator, but his oscillator was controlled by a generator that was able to produce many thousands of types of frequencies. Some of these can be found in nature, and others are created by man.

Cymatics pattern
Powder on a metal plate, attached to an oscillator

By changing the frequencies on the oscillator, Jenny found that sand, or water or whatever substance he was using to create a visible medium for his sound, would morph into some very interesting shapes. These shapes mimicked the properties of divine geometry, and the higher the frequency, the more complex the shapes would appear to be. He wrote:

Since the various aspects of these phenomena are due to vibration, we are confronted with a spectrum which reveals a patterned, figurative formation at one pole and kinetic-dynamic processes at the other, the whole being generated and sustained by its essential periodicity.

What Jenny was observing was really a simple way of observing matter come to life. Since we now understand, through the emerging field of quantum physics, that patterns emerge via waves of energy, the plates were showing the scientist a similar phenomenon. In ancient Sumerian society, this was a known fact. This is why practices like mantra were held in high esteem. The seed syllable, OM, for example, causes a certain frequency to imprint upon the ‘matter’ around it, and thus changes the energetic field.

Monastery of Christ In The Desert
Abbot Philip Lawrence from Monastery of Christ In The Desert

“The kind of singing that we do calms the spirit and helps us live in peace with our world and with one another,” says Abbot Philip Lawrence, a scholar of chant who also leads the Monastery of Christ In The Desert – home to an American order of Benedictine monks from Abiquiu, New Mexico. “Chanting has some strange effect on the brain waves according to various studies,” continues Abbot Philip, but this effect is certainly not the Monks of the Desert’s objective; rather their goal, and that of Gregorian chant, notes Abbot Philip, is “to focus on the words rather than the challenge of voice production or sight reading. It is always our hope that our singing will bring others to peace, inner tranquility and an appreciation of beauty. These values can help create a world in which peace and tranquility prevail.”

Since all matter is just different frequencies of the collapsed wave, or quantum field, then we have the ability to create a different reality with sound.

Sound and the Golden Number

The possibility for great healing can be seen in the science of sound. The picture of the Sri Yantra, a mandala created by sound, and said to be imagined by a yogi in deep meditation, is a representation of one of the oldest sounds in the world. Some call it a manifestation of divine sound. The triangles that appear in the Sri Yantra are perfectly integrated based on the divine number, Pi, which is also the basis for the golden mean, Phi. The Greek philosopher, Pythagorus understood sound and divein geometry, and it was written about by Euclid in “Elements” around 300 B.C., by Luca Pacioli, a contemporary of Leonardo Da Vinci, in “De Divina Proportione” in 1509, by Johannes Kepler around 1600. Many others knew of this ‘cosmic’ mathematics, and its power to heal throughout the ages.

Sound healing with singing bowls
The harmonics of sound work to create order out of chaos

The harmonics of sound work to create order out of chaos. Disease, you might say, is a form of chaos in the body. According to Dr. Robert Friedman, the connection between the Golden Ratio and ideal health was a no-brainer. During his medial residency in the 1980s, Dr. Friedman began observing the Golden Ratio throughout the human body—on the anatomical, physiological, and molecular levels. “The deeper I looked,” said Friedman, “the more deeply I discovered this incredible and ubiquitous Code to be embedded throughout the structure and function of the body…it only followed that the more one could harmonize with this grand principle, the more efficient and effortless life could be.”

Healing Frequencies

What is illness?

Emotional issues that are unresolved block the healing vibrations or cause the disease state to return.
– R Gordon

Over millennia, those who have studied the science of sound, have come to understand that certain frequencies are very healing for the human body. Overall, however, you are trying to create resonance – “When two systems are oscillating at different frequencies, there is an impelling force called resonance that causes the two to transfer energy from one to another. When two similarly tuned systems vibrate at different frequencies, there is another aspect of this energy transfer called entrainment, which causes them to line up and to vibrate at the same frequency.” (Richard Gordon)

Crystal bowls
Certain frequencies are very healing for the human body

When we ‘entrain’ with healing frequencies, our bodies and minds vibrate in harmony. These include:

285 Hz – Signals cells and tissues to heal. Leaves the body feeling rejuvenated.
396 Hz – Liberates guilt and fear to make way for higher vibrating emotions.
417 Hz – Allows the ‘undoing’ of challenging situations.
528 Hz – Said to heal DNA, repair cells, and awaken consciousness
639 Hz – This is the vibration associated to the heart. It allows feelings of love for self and ‘other’ until there is no longer a distinction. To balance relationships, listen to this frequency.
741 Hz – Said to clean the cells and heal them from exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Helps shift someone into empowerment so they can create the reality they wish to see.
852 Hz – Awakens intuition.
963 Hz – Activates the pineal gland, and aligns the body to its perfect, original state. Of course, there are further frequencies, many of which that are not even within the human range of hearing, but they are healing nonetheless. George Lakhovsky, a Russian engineer understood the power of sound as well. He understood that certain frequencies would make a living being grow stronger. I hope you are able to find healing in the frequencies I’ve described, and that this introduction to why sound heals will spur you to learn more.

At the root of all power and motion, there is music and rhythm, the play of patterned frequencies against the matrix of time. We know that every particle in the physical universe takes its characteristics from the pitch and pattern and overtones of its particular frequencies, its singing. Before we make music, music makes us.
– Joachim-Ernst Berendt, The World is Sound

Thank you  for this amazing article.

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Introduction to Light Language

Introduction to Light Language    

Stand within this Sacred Geometric shape and see how you feel.
Stand within this Sacred Geometric shape and see how you feel.

An experiential introduction into Light Language. You will learn to use Colored Light and Sacred Geometry as tools to SCULPT your energy field and alter the way your energy flows. Please bring a notebook, a pen and your IMAGINATION. blessings deb

WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015           TIME: 10 am – 12 pm

WHERE: 282 ST George St Duxbury,  Sound Therapeutics 

MATERIALS: please bring a notebook, a pen and your IMAGINATION !


What is Light Language?

Light Language is a simple tool that can be used to create vibrant well-being. Easy to learn and somehow very familiar.
COLOR is light at varying rates of vibration. Within the infinite number of colors we can find colors to relax us or stimulate and invigorate us. It’s important to remember that Color Evokes Our EMOTIONS! asking us How Do We FEEL?
SACRED GEOMETRY is based on UNITY. One heart beat, one pulse, one living breathing consciousness. The primary geometric forms that are found in Sacred Geometry are considered to be the crystallized thought of God or Chrystallized GOD Consciousness.

God is Light and Sacred Geometry is GOD THINKING ! ! !

In learning Light Language you will discover many new things about yourself and how you create your reality. So, have some fun with it. Walk around in the BLUE DIAMOND one day or internalize a GOLD SPHERE the next, how does it feel? How does it support your living as your Higher Self, Here and Now ?

If you are interested in taking this class on Sat. Feb 28 in Duxbury, Ma. please let me know.  Invest 2 hours you will have a whole new mental language to accelerate your physical comfort and Spiritual growth. $22. Message me on Facebook at:    or e-mail me at  

Breathe into this image, enter and wear it as a garment of light.
Breathe into this image, enter and wear it as a garment of light.
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Power Necklaces

Feel the power, strength, protection and harmony that is embedded in your power necklace.
Feel the power, strength, protection and harmony that is embedded in your power necklace.

As a healer of many years I want to offer you a Powerful Healing Necklace, not only as a beautiful piece of statement jewelry but also as a personal tool for deep healing and peace.  

Your THROAT is the most powerful Energy Center in your body.  First there was the word.  VIBRATION.  When we speak our truth, we honor ourselves, as a result walking out truth in the world becomes easier.

Each Power Necklace is made with the ultimate INTENTION for your empowerment and peace.  I hand crafted each necklace with beautiful semi-precious stones.  Each stone carries its own vibration and adds to the overall strengthening quality of your necklace.

While completing the energy circle of each necklace, I send love and wholeness into each bead and imagine the person who will wear this amazing circle of love truly feeling the power, strength, protection and harmony that is embedded in her power necklace.

Thanks for checking out my work, blessings be 


GO to Power/Healing Necklace SHOP

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thank you for this great information


Crystals have always been rather appealing to me. There is something special about what they are, what they represent. They are more concentrated than regular rocks, they have more crystalline geometric patterns in their atomic structure than the cells in the human body do (sure, it may not be as fluid and moving, but that’s yin and yang for you)

On my journey, I came across an old dusty book about crystals with a little piece of paper slipped inside. It was old and tattery, and hardly readable. But on this paper was a list of 38 crystals that you could find relatively easily that had unique properties… What do I mean by properties?


Crystals operate much like a magnet, but think about it in relationship to energy beyond the 3rd dimension. If you’re looking at it in 3D, obviously it’s pretty much just a rock. If you look at it through a higher dimensional lens however… you start seeing something unique.

You see waves, pushing and pulling on the energy all around it. Some crystals push on higher frequencies, such as Selenite or Amethyst, where as others push on lower frequencies, such as Garnet or Tourmaline. The difference between the vibrations that i’m describing when I say “Higher” or “Lower” is in relationship to how they affect us. Many crystals are very “Grounding”, Root Chakra levels, and help us calm down into 3D. Other Crystals however stimulate the brain, mental clarity, and “higher” frequencies of the mind.

All of the vibrations of these crystals are important, and sometimes the crystal you think you need the least, is the one you need the most ;)

Here is a list of the 38 Crystals from that secret piece of paper that I found, which I’ve remade on a printable PDF too so that you can have one as well. You can download it here.

  1. Agate

    1. The Strength Stone, Courage and strength for both boy and mind.
    2. Facilitates perceptiveness and precision.
    3. Is grounding and energetic.
    4. Balances the yin yang energies.
  2. Amazonite

    1. Aligns and balances mental and etheric bodies.
    2. Calms nerves, aids creative expression and cutes through illusion.
    3. Brings joy, clarity and an understanding of universal love.
  3. Amethyst

    1. The Peace Stone. Ideal for meditation and enhancing psychic abilities.
    2. A greatly calming influence, very protective and inspirational.
    3. Radiates divine love.
  4. Aquamarine

    1. Provides emotional and intellectual stability and clarity of mind.
    2. Aids self-expression, calms nerves, dispels intolerance and helps banish fears and phobias.
  5. Aventurine

    1. Balance the yin yang energies.
    2. Motivates and refines positive attitudes and feelings of independence.
    3. Relieves anxiety and fear.
  6. Azurite

    1. Cleanses the mind and soul.
    2. Awakens psychic abilities and initiates transformation.
    3. Enhances creativity, self-confidence and inspiration.
  7. Bloodstone

    1. A powerful healing stone renewal.
    2. Revitalizes and enhances both body and mind.
    3. Instills wisdom and sensitivity for inner guidance.
  8. Calcite

    1. Facilitates an awareness and understanding of nature.
    2. Aids in the remembering of astral travel experience.
    3. Alleviates fear, clears and balances.
  9. Carnelian

    1. Aids concentration and memory.
    2. Stimulates inquisitiveness and dispels apathy.
    3. Enhances attunement with the inner self.
  10. Chrysoprase

    1. Instills a sense of grace.
    2. Helps clarify personal problems and brings out hidden talents.
    3. Balance attitudes and actions.
  11. Citrine

    1. The abundance Stone. Joyous, warm and energising.
    2. Raises self esteem, stimulates mental focus and aids in the alignment with the higher self.
    3. Attracts and maintains abundance.
  12. Clear Quartz

    1. The Energy Stone. Excellent for meditation.
    2. Amplifies energy and thought.
    3. Dispels negativity. Receives, stores, and transmits energy.
    4. Aids communication with every dimension.
  13. Flourite

    1. Balances and advances the mind and increases concentration.
    2. A stabilizing influence on all levels.
    3. A stone of discernment and higher understanding.
  14. Garnet

    1. A stone of love and compassion. It strengthens and purifies, balances the body’s energy field and enhances the imagination.
  15. Hematite

    1. The Stress Stone. Enhances mental capabilities and reduces stress. S
    2. trengthens and energizes both physical and etheric bodies.
    3. Dispels negativity.
  16. Howlite

    1. Reduces stress and pain and encourages patience, discernment and refinement.
    2. Aids communication and expression.
  17. Jade

    1. Balances the emotions and encourages wisdom.
    2. Aids in remembering and solving dreams.
    3. Peaceful, nurturing and stress relieving.
  18. Jasper

    1. Protective and grounding, a balancer on all levels.
    2. A sustaining stone working mainly on the physical body.
  19. Lapis Lazuli

    1. Expands awareness and intellect an enhances psychic abilities.
    2. Helps overcome depression, aids creativeness and protects.
  20. Malachite

    1. Aids intuitiveness and transformation.
    2. Balances, clarifies the emotions, clears subconscious blocks and reduces stress.
  21. Sunstone

    1. Dissolves negativity and grounds the root chakra.
    2. Brings happiness and sunshine and shines light into the shadow self.
  22. Moonstone

    1. Stimulates confidence and balances emotions.
    2. Encourages intuitiveness and perception.
    3. Enhances the feminine nature.
  23. Obsidian

    1. Grounds, protects and shields against negativity.
    2. Aids in the understanding and clearing of subconscious blocks.
  24. Onyx

    1. Balances the yin yang energies.
    2. Reduces stress and encourages self control.
    3. Encourages happiness, good fortune and higher inspiration.
  25. Opal

    1. Encourages intuitiveness, inspiration and imagination. Aids in memory improvement and the release of inhibitions.
  26. Peridot

    1. Inspires happiness, strengthens and regenerates.
    2. Protects and purifies, reduces anger and jealousy.
  27. Pyrite

    1. Protects against negativity on all levels.
    2. Encourages a positive outlook and greater understanding.
    3. Aids memory and intellect.
  28. Rhodonite

    1. Aids self esteem and confidence.
    2. Reduces anxiety, balances and inspires greater understanding and discernment.
    3. Assists in maximizing ones potential.
  29. Rose Quartz

    1. The Love Stone. Balances, heals and rejuvenates the emotions. Cools hot tempers, clears stored anger, guilt and jealousy. Encourages compassion and harmony.
  30. Rutilated Quartz

    1. Enhances insight and understanding of problems.
    2. Assists in communication with higher self and guides.
    3. Wards against negativity and interference.
  31. Smokey Quartz

    1. Dispels negativity and releases emotional blocks.
    2. Balances grounds and protects.
    3. Enhances channeling powers.
  32. Snowflake Obsidian

    1. Brings purity and balance on all levels.
    2. Encourages understanding and realignment of though patterns.
  33. Sodalite

    1. Rationalizes and aids clear thinking bringing clarity and truth.
    2. Enhances communication and creative expression.
  34. Selenite

    1. A very intense and highly attuned crystal.
    2. Helps one connect to their higher self and into higher frequencies.
    3. Also – Very pretty!
  35. Tigereye

    1. Brings cheerfulness and optimism.
    2. Enhances clarity of thought, balances the yin yang energies and helps soften stubbornness.
  36. Tourmaline

    1. The Protection Stone.
    2. Wards off fear and negativity and protects on all levels.
    3. Enhances inspiration and encourages self confidence and understanding.
  37. Turquoise

    1. Brings peace of mind, wisdom and understanding.
    2. Enhances psychic abilities and communication.
    3. Protects and balances.
  38. Unakite

    1. Balances the emotional body and gives an awareness and understanding of subconscious blocks.
    2. Can facilitate the rebirthing process.