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Light Language

Welcome to the World of Light Language and the Art of Focus by Deb Barrett.

Sacred Geometry and Color, symbolic artwork by Deb Barrett
Light Language Images created by Deb Barrett (C) 1998-present

Light Language is a simple tool that can be used to create vibrant well-being.

Light language uses Colored Light and Sacred Geometry allowing us to align with the harmonious patterns of the Universe.  Simple to learn and somehow very familiar.  This inner symbolic language is innate to us all.  Have some fun and sense your energetic volume, how you impact the world and how the world impacts you.


Color is light at varying rates of vibration. Within the infinite number of colors we can find colors to relax us or stimulate and invigorate us. Still other colors infuse us with cheerfulness and joy.  The energy in color affects our muscles, our mental functions and our nervous systems.

The most important point here is that Color Evokes Our EMOTIONS!  Asking us, How do we FEEL?

Sacred Geometry

Sacred Geometry is based on Unity.  It is a way to visually symbolize formal order.  It comes from the idea that the Universe is all ONE.  One heart beat, one pulse, one living breathing consciousness.  Hard to imagine, yes but somehow true.  In alignment with this premise, ancient Sacred Geometry begins with ONE. Our modern day geometry is very different, it begins with ZERO.

Sacred Geometry starts with a single point.  Modern geometry starts with a blank page.  The Universe is within the point.  The order and alignments, the progression and proportion of the material world is the reflection of the ordered thoughts of the creator.  A Divine system that we are all ONE with.  We are all cells in this amazing body of God.

The primary geometric forms that are found in Sacred Geometry are considered to be these crystallized thought of God or Chrystallized GOD Consciousness.

God is Light


Sacred Geometry



In using Basic Light Language you will discover many new things about yourself and how you create your reality.  So, have some fun with it.  Walk around in the blue diamond one day or internalize a gold sphere the next, how does it feel? How does it support your living as your Higher Self, Here and Now !


Enter your Personal Sanctuary © Deb Barrett 2005

Light Language is a combination of Colored Light and Sacred Geometry.

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Free Light Language 101 Tutorial

Transformation through Color and Sacred Geometry
Use Sacred Geometry to rearrange your energy field.

There seems to be a renewed interest in Light Language.  Check out our Free tutorial at .

This system uses color and Sacred Geometry and offers easy transformation of your energy field with a simple 7 day plan.

The pages are written by Benedick Howard the creator of the DreamWeaver. My link at the bottom of the page was created in 1998 when I was the co-moderator for the Light Language forum.  The link is old and goes to my previous site which has now been turned into a search engine.  Who knew?  Not to worry, ViewSpirit was dissolved to make way for The Blessing Chair.

Would love to hear your feedback if you decide to try on any of the shapes and colors.   Enjoy your journey.