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As Within, So Without

Remember your bubble of energy, your aura. By Deb Barrett

The world is in tizzy, it’s plain to see.

But what can we do about it ? you and me?

If I meditate on World Peace, imagining it to be so.

Will I have enough Peace in me, to see it actually grow?

Or will my imaginings be dashed because I can not embrace

the Peaceful part of me, in all this rat race?

Though I reach for it, I dance with it, I imagine it to be so.

It evades me. Where is this truth?

Where is the peaceful part of me, when I need it the most?

So, instead of mediating on World Peace, we can find our PEACE Within

when we ARE the Peace we’re after and all becomes win/win.

It’s not a place, it’s close to a feeling, but not a feeling, more of a knowing.


then, and only then will I truly be adding PEACE to the world.

I AM the PEACE I seek in others.  I AM the PEACE the seeker seeks.

Many blessings.  deb


A little PLUG IN moment. Can you Hum? Go to your quiet place. The bathroom works well. Stand in front of the mirror, slow your breathing. Take a moment to look yourself in the eye. Careful now, not one negative thought. Tell your reflection that ‘you are doing the best you can and that it’s OK to calm down now. Breathe out with force. Breathe in with love, out forcefully 3 times. Now just HUM, mouth shut, HUM. Imagine the vibration moving to the back of your throat, your neck and ears as the Sphere of Light is being generated by your Hum’s Vibration. You may notice that this bubble of energy is growing around you. Just imagine this buzzing love, is AROUND and THROUGH your body. Feel the energy engulfing your neck, ears and shoulders, with the focus being 2″ below your throat, behind your High Heart. Breathe. Repeating this exercise will result in you being able to recenter yourself at will.  Allowing you to BE PEACEFUL AT WILL.

Sound Therapeutics  HEALING with Sound, Sacred Geometry, Reiki and Intention  

I would love your feedback, please feel free to respond.  Many blessings  deb

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