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Access your Healing Fountain of Life

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The Frequency of Glowing Spring Green is a Healing fountain of life.

Somewhere between your Solar Plexus, with its golden ball of Willful Power and your Heart, with its Green pulse of Love and Light, Balance and Growth, there is this FREQUENCY of Yellow / Green.

This is OFTEN WALLED OFF IN WOMEN. We, as women, span generations of Energy Patterns of FEELING DEEPLY from the heart, alternating with holding our own through PURE WILL. The tension created between these two powerful energy centers causes a schism in the Etheric body. As the Etheric holds the blueprint for the physical, disease soon arises in the physical form. Think of all of the illnesses that are in this area of the body, Asthma comes to mind as does Breast Cancer and Heart Disease. I’m sure there are more but you get the idea. When energy is unable to flow, the body takes the hit.


So, what is missing? What Frequency would allow us to easily access both Heart Driven awareness as well as PERMISSION to use our Power for Personal good or SELF Care? I believe it is the frequency of Compassion, specifically SELF Compassion.

I AM Healthy
The DreamWeaver, Like putting a Plant to the Sun.
In Sound Healing these compassion frequencies dance on either side of 440 Hz or the resonance of the heart. The color is a brilliant, glowing Spring Green. You can almost feel the life in it as it feels energetically much like chlorophyll. 
I often say that spending time in the DreamWeaver is like putting a plant to the SUN. Life is reinstated through the power of the harmonics of the music, the sacred space created by the sacred geometry and your intention for well-being. 
EXERCISE to OPEN and CONNECT to your Healing Fountain of Life:
Please read through one time and then practice at least 3 days in a row. See how you feel.
Sit quietly where you will be undisturbed, feet on the floor, center yourself, relax your spine, feel your roots growing from your feet and your tailbone down into the Earth. Breathe.
Feel the top of you head being drawn up as if a large magnet were pulling you. FEEL yourself ‘PLUGGING IN ‘ to your own inner guidance, your own Inner-Self, directly over your head. Breathe deeply 3 times in gratitude. Just BE STILL for a few minutes.
Imagine this is your Chakra System, stand inside of the image.
When it feels right, bring your attention to your Solar Plexus. Imagine a brilliant Yellow ball of light growing just above your navel. Feel the GLOW as you begin to radiate from your place of power. Breathe deeply 3 times in gratitude.  
Bring your attention to your Heart, more specifically, the center of your upper chest. Sense the innate rhythm of your pulse. Imagine a soft green glow, with each breathe imagine that the green becomes deeper and richer in color. Breathe 3 more times in gratitude.
As you’re sitting in the awareness of these two chakras, take the time to clear any grey or dull areas, imagine these globes of light as pristine, clear and full. Look closely at the image above, note how the green sphere and the yellow sphere overlap to create our ‘life giving’ color of spring green between the two. 
If you have gotten this far, good for you. This is the most important part, connecting these two power houses.  
From your meditative state, imagine an overlap of the green and yellow spheres. Study the image above and imagine that you step inside and this is now your Chakra system. In your mind’s eye, your 3rd eye, imagine a Vertical Infinity Sign.  See the top loop going up and over the green globe, running down and around the yellow globe. Run this figure 8 in your mind from green to yellow, green to yellow.
Coordinate your breathing as follows:   Breathe in through the nose your beautiful GREEN, breathing in LOVE, ACCEPTANCE and Self Worth. Hold for 3 counts, soaking in this frequency until you feel ALL Green, all filled with LOVE.
Drop your attention now down to the bottom of your figure 8 as you swoop around the Yellow globe and exhale. Yellow is the color of your Personal Power, Joy and a clear intellect as well as your ability to know yourself and TRUST YOUR GUT.
Breathe out your Power through your mouth into the physical world, feeling yourself radiating Light as you become completely brilliant Yellow, pause for 3 counts at the bottom of your exhale. Begin again.
When you have got the hang of it, say Thank you to your Higher-Self and Thank you to Yourself and gently bring yourself back to the room.  Repeat at least 3 days, as many times a day as you like.  Finish by stating “I DEEPLY LOVE AND COMPLETELY ACCEPT MYSELF, I AM ONE WITH THE DIVINE SOURCE THAT CREATED ME”.
There you have it, find your own rhythm with this, really take the time to perfect your figure 8 and run this mental image whenever you feel the need to LOVE yourself more and give yourself PERMISSION to use your POWER for your own well-being in a physical way. Remember you can not pour from an empty cup.
I hope you enjoyed this visualization. Stay clear of the muddy, yellowy green color. This is the block between your Heart and your Earthly Power. You deserve clarity and to remove any blocks or limitations to your complete embodiment of love and light.
Many blessings  deb
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