Music as Medicine


THANK YOU for your interest in Sound Therapeutics.  Please reach out. 
TO BOOK DIRECTLY, TEXT 781-588-0503 or  blessings  deb 

What is a Sound Therapeutics session and Why Should I Try it?

At Sound Therapeutics you will enter the DreamWeaver, a vibro-acoustic or musical environment.  It is a sacred space where you feel as well as hear the music. 

It is a space of INTEGRATION with YOUR HIGHER SELF, your own beacon of light within. An opportunity to increase your capacity to connect your consciousness to its highest potential while deeply relaxing your body and clearing your mind.

Deb Barrett at Sound Therapeutics, Marshfield, Ma.The power of a Sound Therapeutics session is generated by 3 elements:

*  A clearly stated Intention for well-being or change, formulated by you and I as we share information and insight about what brings you to do this work.

*  A womb of sound. Music is delivered directly to your body from above and below as you lie upon a vibro-acoustic mat, this enables you to feel as well as hear the music.

*  A copper Dodecahedron frame, holds the life sustaining frequency known as Prana or Chi. This sacred space, connects  you to your Spirit essence and anchors it into the physical world, experienced as vitality, a fortified energy field and increased life force.

How does this Musical Massage benefit me?

*  Body – Physically you completely relax, feel dreamy, comfortable.  Sound breaks up old patterns, re-establishes a sense of ease in form, you begin to feel more at home in your body.

*  Mind – Effortless clarity and AH Ha moments.  Experience a meditative quality.  Harmony gently guides you to a stillness in mental activity.  When your mind is quite, you can hear your inner wisdom, all truth comes from within.

*  Emotions – Feel old emotions as they surface, honor all of your feelings.  Realize that we are not our emotions, we are the one experiencing a response to them by thoughts we attach to events.    You will feel safe to move through old emotions because so much love is generated in the session.  Witness and release with ease.

*  Spirit – With a still mind, a relaxed body and a balanced emotional field, the power and significance of your inner Spirit is present.  You are consciously connected to source energy and remember that all is perfect even in its imperfection.  The ego and the higher-self merge.


*  Self-empowerment.

*  Balance in body, mind and affairs.

*  Trust the process.

*  Never alone again.

*  Entire energy field is in a flow state known as laminar flow,  which results in regaining personal harmony, this in turn spills into your surroundings and your daily life.

Book your session NOW ! 

Private sessions are 2 hrs.  $288.  To Book, Text 781-588-0503  Please read our Cancellation Policy.

Sound Therapeutics is located at 1775 Ocean St. in Marshfield, MA

Sessions are currently:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday always at 10 am.  

I look forward to working with you in sacred space.  Time to let go of the past and set yourself FREE !


As of October 1, 2021, we have a NEW LOCATION !  See you soon  1775 Ocean St. Marshfield, Ma.


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