Coloring Class / Personal Healing Mandala


Saturday, September 19, 2015  9:30 – 12 noon  $45. 

Sound Therapeutics, 282 St. George, St., Duxbury, Ma.    781 588 0503

We will be using COLORED PENCILS to create our ‘Personal HEALING MANDALA’. The image you create will be based on Sacred Geometry and your comfort with color. Yours to take home and hang in a prominent space in your world.  This image will radiate for you your highest and best!

In spite of the whirlwind of life swirling about WE WILL CREATE A FOCUSED IMAGE, an expression of our personal inner knowing of harmony and balance.  No previous art knowledge needed, Deb will guide you through the process of connecting with your personal Artist/Healer within, this expression will flow out of you. Especially great for those who ‘can’t draw’.

If you would like to work with your own colored pencils please bring them.  Please bring water to drink as well.  When we work with the electrical energies of our Higher Selves our vessel/body needs more water to keep the battery stable.

Note from Deb:  Coloring is one of my specialties, it has saved my life, literally at least 5 times and has always soothed me since being a child.  Somehow Coloring reconnects us to our very center, a place we came from and lived in as a child.  It is a wise time to reconnect to this state.

If you feel drawn to this type of expression please join us.  Fill out the form below to hold your spot. This will be a small group so let me know, blessings deb

Saturday, September 19, 2015  9:30 – 12 noon  Sound Therapeutics, 282 St. George, St., Duxbury, Ma. or text to 781 588-0503