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Do you still get headaches ?

Headache Relief Exercise

If you are someone who gets headaches you can be sure that there is too much energy in your head.

Here we are in June of 2012.  Change is everywhere, our opportunities to become overwhelmed seem to have increased.  Whatever we are holding, defending, hanging on to, we are being asked to change the frequency of our relationship with.  This is the time to use all of our tools.  Many of you have moved into consciously moving your own energy and know this trick but if you don’t, sit in your ‘imagined Blessing Chair” and try this one on.

The following exercise is an excerpt from Blog, 2007,

I have had a few clients that were on the fast track when it came to energy work.  Clearing, clearing at a rapid pace. When I first got my DreamWeaver I was on the fast track as well.  I kept going to Inner Guidance and requesting more; more understanding, more growth, more connection to my Inner Self.  I just wanted to be the best I could be.  With all this attention on growth, I experienced a few growing pains.  One of these was energy headaches.  Just too much energy in my head from all that meditation, reaching and expanding of my consciousness.

I have always believed that our mind can make instantaneous leaps into new ways of being.  What I came to realize is that traveling on these new frequencies of light and sound can be challenging for the body.  My experience is that the body lags behind slightly, being more dense in nature.

Along the way, this exercise was shared with me to relieve the pressure that can build up in the head.

Here’s a great fix for an energy headache;  all headaches begin as energy headaches.

Sense the energy in your head, give it a texture and a color.

Take a few slow, deep breaths and then on the next breath count to 3 before exhaling in a burst with pursed lips.  I imagine the energy coming out of my 3rd eye, like a dolphin or whale’s blow hole. Then just settle down and know that the energy is being brought into balance.  If you would like to do this a few times, feel free to, but be aware of your energy and don’t blow your top.  :-)

It’s also helpful to massage the base of the skull.  This area is being opened more and more as we work with our Higher Self.  I call it the Angel Bridge and think of it as a magenta gateway.  This is one of the ways that the higher octaves of consciousness communicate with us.  The more open it is the easier our access to Source and that great feeling of being “plugged in”.

If the accelerated program gets too much for you, you can always ask for it to slow down a bit.  Remember, we need not be in a hurry.  We can’t be what we are becoming until we are completely who we are now.

Enjoy your progress.

deb            Deb Barrett /Energy Tips Copyright 2007  

PS   Obviously this exercise was written some time ago, when we still had lots of time to sort things out.  I would remind you that now is now and time is ever condensing.  So, use your tools wisely and often, bring yourself back into balance and place yourself in the best possible place to receive the wave of Love that is washing over us now.

Copyright 2012 / Deb Barrett / The Blessing

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