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Cracking Consciousness OPEN

Using MUSIC, Sacred Geometry, Reiki and Intention, at SOUND THERAPEUTICS we have the opportunity to EXPERIENCE a sort of “TRIP”. The most important difference being that it is not drug induced but the ACTIVATION of the LOVE Chemicals in your brain through the power of APPLIED SOUND or VIBRO-ACOUSTICS. And THINGS CHANGE FOR THE BETTER !!!    blessings be deb

……………………………………………………………………….. …………………Deb1998


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Volatile Times Require Deliberate Intention

The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within.
The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within.

This is a very volatile time for many folks, you may be experiencing a new, fresh start or be revisiting what was happening between 1993 and 1995. Think about it, are you feeling released from the past and free to move forward or are you reliving an old theme? Either way you can jump-start your progress with a couple of hours of aligning with your true intention and decompressing the physical on the blessing chair.

Come home to yourself. The Angels of Light and Guidance and I are ready to help. Surrender to your own inner knowing. You really do have all the answers. Take the time to find them.
The image is YOU within your beautiful energy field, grounded, balanced, focused, deliberately connecting to your guidance, your Angel of Light and Guidance within. I call it Meditation Sphere.

Blessings and updrafts to sore on
